Some of our Modular Sound Booths are in public facilities, so this allows you to try these booths out for yourself in a real world environment.
Media Sound Booth Clients
Brand Music
A new booth for my first client after 10 years daily use of the original booth, in a new location, with new technology. This fully floating booth accommodates both vocal and music clients, with plenty of room and an upmarket fun vibe for this successful jingle house.

Jumbla Motion Graphics, South Melbourne.
This booth doubles as a voice and foley recording space, together with a nice dead area for recording drums and bass, in this award winning progressive content creation company.

Public Sound Booths
Dandenong Public Library
Casual visitors can book time in the booth to record message, demo recordings, and converse with distant relatives in a quiet and calm atmosphere.

Decibels Youth music Centre
at Reservoir Library. A 2 x 2 booth for general purpose use in the Darebin Youth Music Centre.
Podcast Studios
Livestream Studio – Elsternwick.
This booth was originally installed in Prahran. Subsequently it was expanded and moved to Elsternwick and further re-configured, for the same purpose but with a different shape. Also different colours! More suitable building now.

Christian Science Radio Production Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
A cheerful productive booth in daily use, in a private setting. The original installation was moved by the client when they moved house and so they become very familiar with the way it easily goes together. He kindly wrote a nice note about that.

Education and Training Sound Booth Clients
Gippsland Technical School
That was a long day – installing a large ‘black on black’ audiovisual training booth on Campus. We started out at 6am, arrived at about 9.30am and finished at 6pm so then we had to drive back in the dark, get lost . . This booth has a LOT of equipment in it and is all black walls which makes it very SciFi.

The Australian Army Tank Training Albury
Situated on an army training base this studio provides voice over facilities in a previously live and noise administration area, which had the added problem of tanks rolling by at regular intervals.
The Australian Army Aircorps QLD
Similar to the example above AAQ uses this booth to create training and information videos so Pilots and navigators are introduced to the latest technology and make continuous improvements to the service.
Emergency Management Victoria
Our Vital Victorian Broadcast hub swiftly creates and distributes clear and concise updates of lifesaving information during Fires, Emergencies and other urgent public broadcasts in the state of Victoria. Very happy to help these people out.

Allgraduates Language School
work closely with the Translating and Interpreting department of RMIT University for continuing professional development. They also collaborate with universities and hospitals around the country on research projects and studies areas such as healthcare, justice and equitable access.

Flinders CCC campus, Tyabb
A combined live practice room with a vocal booth for quieter instruments at one end, including large deep absorbers and ceiling clouds to tame the out-of control acoustics of the original hard plaster room.
Before installation is was impossible to understand conversation from more than 2 feet away – not good for school tuition.

Monash University Audio Department

Victoria University Media School
A large booth – 2.5 x 3.5 M inside. This booth was installed in the central media complex on a floating floor and as a result the department has an extra dimension to offer students. The faculty has a wonderful range of equipment and great staff. They have really gone to town to help students get first hand experience of real world media work and so they get great results and a fine working atmosphere. This booth was installed during the pandemic and we found everyone to be really helpful.

Private Sound Booths
Private Production facility, Collingwood. VIC

Production Studio, Wheelers Hill

Private Music Studio, Mentone
Private Drum Booth, NSW
Basement Installation, Professor at Melbourne University
– this link goes to a useful short video showing the tight and precise drum sound in the booth. We used the camera audio for the recording, which was not processed.
Sound Booths allow a large variety of configurations
so you can specify a booth to suit your needs. Configurations include Standard, Heavy or Extreme soundproofing, optional locks, special in and out connectors and a range of internal wall fabrics so each booth is unique and your booth suitable just for you.
We use hypo-allergenic materials throughout. Our wall fabrics are made in Germany and consequently are certified safe for children – and musicians.
Our energy design incorporates low voltage low RPM DC fans and LED spotlights with high quality components that have published lifetimes of more than 30 years continuous use.
ABC Melbourne Southbank ( News 24)
During the massive redevelopment of the ABC Southbank Broadcast Studios someone realised they did not have enough studios to complete the Daily News Reporter segments. The booth became an important last minute addition to the production facilities which helped streamline operations at a minor additional expense. As a result journalists can quickly update their stories in preparation for broadcast without disturbing existing booked sessions.

The Sound Booth Overview covers all these details
Additionally we are always happy to discuss your particular needs and create just the right space for your project.
Some installations require the manufacture of custom modules which can be supplied if we are given sufficient notice. We enjoy liaising with you to create just the right installation for your needs.