We took these Sound Booth Photos on visits to the various locations where we completed installation in the recent past. Booth uses include Commercial Hire, Advertising Jingle creation and College Video Production. Public Library (free), Language School, A/V production, Church Broadcast, Emergency Management and High School Music Departments.
These are just a few possible uses. Imagine giving your child the freedom and opportunity to learn a music instrument without driving the family crazy, for instance. Practice is important, it should be encouraged. Good communication is vital in an emergency, and continues to be so in this pandemic.
A Clear Message
Clear messages also help everyone, in business, in sport, at school. Its hard to imagine an area where this is not true. Sound Booth Photos can tell a thousand words. or so the story goes.
The great thing about working in a fine sounding space is the concentration it encourages. Its not just the wonderfully clear crisp precise sound. The absence of distraction from the surroundings, whether it be an busy office, a school department. A playground, or a home environment becomes after a while, something to look forward to. Now you can be sure of getting on with your task without distraction. Save energy , remain calm and thereby induce a similar attitude in those listening. Whether it be live. in the moment, or some time later after broadcast or recording.
Other Uses
A Sound Booth can also be useful in theaters, for special effects, from a ghostly laugh to a distant voice in an on stage telephone call. Likewise in a co-working environment, creating a private space for the all important interview or critical phone call.
Audio Books
With the resurgence of popularity of Audio Books the Sound Booth finds a natural home, a quiet reliable familiar space allowing the narrator to complete large swathes of narrative with no distraction and precisely controlled acoustics that are repeatable day by day, and month by month.
And then of course there is MUSIC! The infinite subject.