I mean – really! How are you?
We have all been blind-sided by the past couple of years. I certainly have. Many of the things I really enjoyed -like regular swimming in Australia’s great pools or even in the ocean – are sadly on the back burner. I have the best intentions but somehow the prospect of willingly undertaking existential risk is much less appealing than it used to be.
Festivals, celebrations with others – that is largely, and very sadly, a thing of the past. I used to really enjoy the prospect of singing for a couple of hours a week with a mixed crew of men if all ages and abilities, it was a lot of fun. When I arrived, it was always “How Are you?”. Now the prospect of confinement within close proximity to others when you DON’T KNOW WHERE THEY’VE BEEN is maybe a risk too far. A calculation that comes out with a likely bad result, an error. I miss Men In Suits, yes I really do. How all those brave conductors are managing in this alienating climate?
I trudge on
So I trudge on with creating sound studios in a large factory with only three people at a time. Mostly one or tow, and that seems comfortable. On the rare occasions we have a simple beer with a chance visitor it seems like a major celebration. Is this how the Black Death felt?
I do a lot of stuff online. Studying topics I am not usually that interested in, following leads, developing ideas, that sort of thing. Part of me hopes it will all be useful someday, while another corridor in my mind echoes with the likely futility of it all. Then I turn on the TV and its simultaneously better and worse.
Everything seems to be magnified right now. Climate change, floods, panics, misinformation that wont go away, all of it and more. I discard that and focus on the small things that love brings – the appreciation of a nice meal – the joy of a loyal dog – spending time without too much pressure – and also the occasional opportunity to make something useful for someone who will really benefit from the investment.
So how are you doing?