many people looking for a sound booth don’t really know whether they need Standard, Heavy or Extreme. This can lead to some incorrect assumptions.
We are frequently asked about a ‘completely sound proof’ booth.
To set the record straight a ‘completely sound proof’ booth may theoretically be possible but extremely expensive.
We provide great booths with very balanced interior acoustics which therefore make wonderful precise recordings. Artists achieve these results without distressing their families or neighbours. But its important to understand the physical limits of what can be achieved in the real world. And especially in the real home studio. . .
A Standard Booth – 24db – is suitable for most vocal and light acoustic instruments played at home.
Below are some of the day to day functions provided by a Standard sound booth.
- Practice an acoustic instrument without annoying your friends or family
- Record excellent vocals, percussion or acoustic guitar without the noise from computer fans etc.
- Record an Audio Book to professional standards.
- Record a quiet vocal with a band and hear every nuance. You can remix and re-record vocals without compromise, so no spill audible.
- Play loud guitar through a small amp inside the booth and be able to hear a backing track without going deaf.
It wont allow you to do a perfect whispered audio voice-over in a room with an industrial circular saw running (we tried that!) but you can make a quiet phone call with moderate machine tools working. It is really easy and pleasant to hear yourself sing and play.
A Standard Booth also suits office podcasting, or conducting private conversations in a meeting space.

This is the type of booth the ABC uses for recording breaking news reports for News 24 etc.
Your recordings will have an immediate accuracy and presence that would usually take ages of experimentation with Mics, EQ and pre-amps to achieve.
Heavy Duty Sound Booth ~ 38db
Suited to drums and louder instruments, a Sound Booth with Heavy Isolation. For those of us with ‘noise sensitive’ relatives, or who like to play when others are resting in other parts of a house.
These Heavy Duty Booths are also for loud acoustic and some electric instruments. They feature newly developed modules and a twenty-fold increase in isolation compared with the Standard Booth. While they weigh a bit more, they do not cost a whole lot more.
Extreme Sound Booth ~ 50db
As the name implies, Extreme Sound Booths are for heavier use with electric instruments and are also appropriate for use in noisy environments, or with loud drums etc.
Extreme Booths weigh more and therefore cost more and so we build them to special order. They suit the full time professional musician, and those who need to practice and record louder instruments at odd hours.
Hi, I’m interested in a quote for a extreme sound booth. Please reply to my email and I will get in touch with you.
Thank you
Sorry – Ive been moving house. email me if you like.