We have three Panasonic P2 cameras which capture beautiful images, allowing video production of a high quality in a range of styles.
They have 64GB cards and Manfrotto tripods, with lights and well as a wide range of audio gear, a radio lavaliere and one small HD broadcast Panasonic camera for establishment shots or unobtrusive videography on the fly..
The light but robust P2 cameras feature four channel uncompressed audio recording which is a real bonus. Since we avoid MP3 format these tracks do not suffer from the well known ‘boxy’ sound which plagues so much home video.
We specialize in capturing the nuance detail and spirit of live performance in the least obtrusive way possible, on a modest budget and with a small crew. This makes video production affordable even on a modest budget.
Festivals and Concerts
From time to time we cover the great Australian festival scene. Spring Studio has worked at Woodford, Port Fairy, Canberra and the delightful Cygnet in Tasmania.
Our team regularly videos large choirs and public meetings. We have organised simulcasts and multi-cam documentaries of prestigious events for clients here and abroad.
We also really enjoy working with artists in other realms. Making a full length documentary about the painter Dennis Spiteri was a captivating experience. The brilliant hues of his vast abstract canvases were a joy to film and present on the small screen.
Video production for Art Film
Harry brings a fine understanding of the importance of Audio in the Video process, often overlooked in budget productions. Since we undertake a lot of performance related videography, we are well placed to achieve a good result in a live situation, with little room for error.
As a camera-person, Harry has a developing enthusiasm for the unlikely shot. He anticipates the rhythm of editing and has a life long involvement with music and image.
Spring Studio has a number of experienced operators who are able to assist as and when required.